Press Kit

About Us

Raccreative Games is a new and safe alternative platform to upload and play your indie games, no matter if you are a solo developer, an indie game studio or a student, here you will be able to upload your games easily and for free.

In our platform, users will be able to upload their games, customize their pages, upload and play html games, leave comments, vote games, be part of a rich search system with its own desktop app, and much more is coming in the future!

We also offer a premium subscription called Star which allow users to upload games without size limit and many other benefits.

Raccreative Games was born in April 2023, but it was officially opened on 12 February, 2024. It was created by Rubén Cruz, a web and game developer from Málaga, Spain, who wanted videogames created by anyone be more visible and after he made his first game, The Father, he started to develop Raccreative Games as a home for this game, but it soon evolved to what it is today, a platform free for everyone, with lots of features still to come, willing to become the best platform for indie game developers and gamers.

Nowadays, the Raccreative Games team is formed by 4 integrants.

Raccreative Games Logos

Currently there are 3 logo variants, you can use and download the one you prefer or adapts better to your content. Please try to use the .svg version whenever possible, and remember to read the next "logo usage guidelines" section.

Large Horizontal Logo

Download: SVG, PNG

Horizontal Logo

Download: SVG, PNG

Normal Logo (icon)

Download: SVG, PNG

Logo Usage Guidelines

Remember that the Raccreative Games logos are property and copyright of Raccreative Games.
  • Do not distort or change colors or text of the logo.
  • Only use the Raccreative Games logo to represent Raccreative Games.

Contact and Social Media

You can find us on these social media:
Twitter / XInstagramYoutubeDiscord Server
You can contact us via email:

If you want to contact Rubén Cruz, you can find him on his Twitter/X account: